I think as a newbie, it might be best to outline to both myself, and anyone out there in the world who may by chance stumble upon this page, what this blog and what I, myself, am all about…
As I have stated in my bio, I am a full-time Stay-At-Home-Mum of two children – both of whom are at school for the majority of the week. Eldest (a girl) LOVES school and has always done so and Youngest (a boy), who only started upon turning 5 earlier this year, has yet to discover the joyous feelings associated with being educated (to put it bluntly – he doesn’t like going to school. Also read: every weekday morning is often a teary battle of wills to drag him out the door).
I have a husband, Mr Frequent Flier, who I am lucky to say is my best friend and I wouldn’t be without him. In saying that though, I AM without him a fair amount of time as his work requires him to be away on an ever-changing rostered basis. To explain, his work hours are never the same, so while he can be home during the week and able to drop off and pick up the children from school and be present for important things like award-receiving at assembly, there are also times when he is an absentee father and having to FaceTime when and if time zones/internet allows. And much of whether he is home for important occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries and the like, is placed squarely in the lap of the rostering Gods – who can be vengeful, mean Gods at times or equally generous and abundant with their all important days off-in-a-row.
We also have Dog – Mr Frequent Flier’s doing – who requires as much work, love and attention as Eldest and Youngest – however, is classed by others in the family as “just an animal” (now she is fully grown and the cuteness factor has waned) so is often overlooked by said others for her cares (walking, feeding, cleaning up after etc, etc, etc), love and attention. So Dog has chosen me as her “person” as I am her go-to for all things.
The idea behind the blog is a way of giving some time to myself for creativity (I used to be a writer) and I would like to set myself a challenge now that both children are at school – I would like to set the goal of finding something that I am passionate about outside of my family and spending some time doing that every week… which sounds easy, but I have NEVER made the time for doing something I love each and every week since having children, some 10+ years ago. So… I would like to find just a little SOMETHING for myself!